This story is from October 22, 2019

The image of smart India in this commerce fair

The image of smart India in this commerce fair
A mega exhibition "Com.Connect" was organized by the Commerce Club of department of Commerce, BSSS College.Around 200 participants gave their presence with 31 incredible working models on 9 different themes. Fully Detailed working of models had been presented in exhibition by the participants. LED, smoke filter based Auspicious smart city project ; traction based coal mining working; innovative print and digital media marketing with drone; real time stock market price movements in Indian economy; chanderi saris, textile, sehore wheat along with heritage sites of M.P.
the heart of incredible India; hydraulic based smart logistics; complementary rural journalism; water filtration industry based on waste water; sugarcane based sugar processing industry; foreign trade between Mumbai and Dubai ports; FASTAG based Toll Tax working model; evolution of fevicol advertising journey were the centre of attraction in this exhibition.The exhibition also had business games, in which students and teachers participated, this added the spark in the event.
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