This story is from February 25, 2019

Wading through psychological battles

Mohana Swamy is scheduled to take place at Prabhath KH Kalasouda
Wading through psychological battles
Courtesy Team Aatamaata Darwad,
Mohana Swamy
is arranged by Kalavilasi Bengaluru. The play is a dramatic rendition of a story by prominent Kannada writer, Vasudhendra. The plot revolves around the psychological battles of a special character. It focuses on the struggles of Mohanaswamy, complete with subtle silence in between scenes.
The artistes of the play are Mahadev Hadapad, Jagadish Neralur, Manjunatha Baddi and Sangamesh Soragavi.
It is scheduled to take place at Prabhath KH Kalasouda on March 10, 7.30 pm.
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