This story is from May 9, 2022

Chef Vikas Khanna launches author Akshat Gupta's 'The Hidden Hindu'

Michelin Star Chef and author Vikas Khanna launched restaurateur-scriptwriter-author Akshat Gupta's book 'The Hidden Hindu' on May 9, 2022.
Chef Vikas Khanna launches author Akshat Gupta's 'The Hidden Hindu'
Chef Vikas Khanna launches author Akshat Gupta's 'The Hidden Hindu'
Michelin Star Chef and author Vikas Khanna launched restaurateur-scriptwriter-author Akshat Gupta's book 'The Hidden Hindu' on May 9, 2022. A mythology fiction novel, Gupta's 'The Hidden Hindu' is published in English by Penguin India and it is the first book of a trilogy.
Talking about the book, Chef Vikas Khanna said, "Akshat is a fantastic writer. His book 'The Hidden Hindu' gives a great overview of mythology with a blend of science fiction sprinkled on top.
Despite his success as the owner of a restaurant business, his passion for writing can be seen in this book. Like all renowned authors he has seen rejections, but his determination to bring the story to the world is remarkable. 'The Hidden Hindu' is gripping, which I feel has also piqued Bollywood's interest and I am totally convinced that the visual depiction would do credit to his written words. I am looking forward to the other two books."
'The Hidden Hindu' interlinks sci-fi technology and Hindu mythology. The book's blurb reads: Prithvi, a twenty-one-year-old, is searching for a mysterious middle-aged aghori (Shiva devotee), Om Shastri, who was traced more than 200 years ago before he was captured and transported to a high-tech facility on an isolated Indian island. When the aghori was drugged and hypnotized for interrogation by a team of specialists, he claimed to have witnessed all four yugas (the epochs in Hinduism) and even participated in both Ramayana and Mahabharata. Om's revelations of his incredible past that defied the nature of mortality left everyone baffled. The team also discovers that Om had been in search of the other immortals from every yuga. These bizarre secrets could shake up the ancient beliefs of the present and alter the course of the future. So who is Om Shastri? Why was he captured? Board the boat of Om Shastri's secrets, Prithvi's pursuit and adventures of other enigmatic immortals of Hindu mythology in this exciting and revealing journey.
Talking about Chef Khanna releasing his book brilliant cook, an amazing storyteller and a great human being. His book, 'The Last color' on the widows of Vrindavan was so beautifully written and the movie was a visual treat for real cinema lovers, making it to Cannes and other film festivals. The subject he chose is so relevant in today’s time also globally. I am honored that he agreed to launch the book and support me in this journey as an author. His positive feedback means a lot."
Meanwhile, the screen adaptation rights for 'The Hidden Hindu' has been acquired by Dhoni Entertainment.
READ MORE: EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW | Chef Vikas Khanna on his new book 'Barkat', his inspirations, and more
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