This story is from October 7, 2023

Love in the Time of Milk Booth: A Curdled Romance

Soul Curry invites you to share your real-life soul-stirring experiences. If you have any such story to share, do send it to us at [email protected] and we will publish it for you.
Love in the Time of Milk Booth: A Curdled Romance
Written by Bhannu Arora
In the heart of Delhi, the bustling area of Vasant Kunj became my sanctuary after college. It was 1991, and my dad had secured Army accommodation. Among my group of friends was Simran—a stunning Sikh girl with eyes that could make the moon jealous. My infatuation with her was as clear as the skies over India Gate.
I concocted an elaborate scheme to profess my affection: Operation Milk Booth.
Simran would be there every morning to buy milk, and I, mimicking her routine, would wake up earlier than roosters just to stand beside her in the queue. As we stood there, me trying not to swoon, she'd share stories of her father, an Army man, and her late mother. In my mind, I decided, "If I marry, it will be this girl or no one."
Autumn arrived, and the falling leaves only magnified the gloom when Simran announced she was leaving for America. "To meet my sister," she said. My mornings lost their luster, and the milk tasted more like skimmed sadness.
But then winter came—a cold morning infused with the aroma of unanticipated joy. There she was, standing at the milk queue with a little puppy in her arms! My heart leaped faster than a cricket ball flying for a six.
"Let's walk," she suggested, taking steps towards my house. For the first time, she was initiating such intimacy. My spirits soared like kites in the Delhi sky.
"How was America?" I asked, picturing her missing me as much as I missed her.

"It was great! Harry was the best thing that happened to me there."
"Harry? Who's Harry?"
"My husband," she announced, dropping the bombshell like a clumsy waiter dropping a tray of glasses. My world came crashing down, almost as dramatically as my milk container which I managed to save just in time. She avoided eye contact and walked away, the puppy wagging its innocent tail, unaware of the human drama unfolding.
For days, I locked myself in my room, making flimsy excuses to my mother. "I'm not feeling well," I'd say, but the real ailment was my crushed spirit. Yet, as the cliché goes, time heals, and so it did. My heart stitched itself back together, albeit with a patch bearing Simran's name.
In the game of love and dairy, sometimes you skim the jackpot, and sometimes, well, you just get curdled. But life moves on, even if you're lactose intolerant to romance.
And so, healed but humbled, I rejoined the queue at the milk booth, ready for another chance at love—preferably one that doesn't go sour so quickly.
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End of Article
Soul Curry invites you to share your real life soul-stirring experiences. If you have any such story to share, do send it to us at [email protected] and we will publish it for you!