This story is from December 29, 2023

What is immortality of soul as explained in Bhagwat Gita

The Bhagwat Gita expounds on the immortality of the soul, teaching that the eternal nature of the self (Atman) transcends the physical body. Lord Krishna imparts wisdom to Arjuna, emphasizing the soul's indestructible and unchanging essence, unaffected by birth and death. The concept of reincarnation is likened to the soul discarding old bodies and donning new ones in a continuous cycle. Understanding the soul's permanence leads to liberation from the cycle of birth and death, achieved through selfless duties, detachment from material attachments, and a union with the divine through devotion, knowledge, or disciplined action, guiding individuals toward self-realization and spiritual awareness.
What is immortality of soul as explained in Bhagwat Gita
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The concept of the immortality of the soul, as expounded in the Bhagavad Gita, holds a profound significance within Hindu philosophy. The Gita, a revered scripture, encompasses various aspects of life, spirituality, and duty, addressing the eternal nature of the soul (Atman) and its relationship with the transient human existence.
According to the Gita, the soul is immortal and transcends the physical body.It is described as eternal, indestructible, and unchanging. Lord Krishna, the divine charioteer and teacher, imparts wisdom to Arjuna, emphasizing the eternal nature of the self. He elucidates that the soul is beyond birth and death, not subject to destruction by any physical means.
Krishna enlightens Arjuna on the concept of reincarnation or rebirth (samsara) – the continuous cycle of birth and death. The body is considered akin to clothing that the eternal soul dons and discards. Just as a person discards old garments and wears new ones, the soul passes from one body to another in the cycle of rebirth.
The soul, being immortal, remains unaffected by the physical manifestations of life, such as birth, growth, decay, and death. It is beyond the constraints of time and space, unblemished by any physical or mental attributes. Krishna urges Arjuna not to grieve for what is inevitable – the passage of the body – but instead to understand the permanence of the soul.
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The Gita underscores the importance of understanding one's true nature as the immortal soul and recognizing the impermanence of the physical realm. By realizing the eternal nature of the self, one can attain liberation (moksha) from the cycle of birth and death. This liberation is achieved by transcending attachments to the material world, performing one's duties selflessly, and seeking a union with the divine (Yoga) through devotion, knowledge, or disciplined action.

The teachings of the Gita emphasize self-realization, guiding individuals to comprehend their divine essence and recognize the interconnectedness of all life. By acknowledging the immortal nature of the soul, individuals are encouraged to live a life of righteousness, duty, and spiritual awareness, transcending the temporary nature of worldly experiences.
In essence, the immortality of the soul as expounded in the Gita elucidates the eternal and unchanging essence within every being, urging one to seek a deeper understanding of the self, transcend transient experiences, and attain spiritual liberation.

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