01/5Take this pen-holding style personality test.

It is a secret art of holding and playing with your pen which is not everyone’s cup of tea. However, these small activities hold deep observations and reveal great insights about our personality. It might surprise you to know that this small writing instrument can reveal things about your personality that you’re not aware of or you’re merely ignoring but it's the truth. Whatever, your pen-holding preference is, let’s get ready to dive into the fascinating world of holding a pen, where penmanship can meet human psychology.


02/5Between the thumb, index, and middle finger

Between the thumb, index, and middle finger

If you hold your pen gripping it between your thumb, index, and middle finger, then you’re someone who values stability and order in life. You have a natural ability to maintain a keen balance and tend to be reliable which makes you an excellent team player. People often come to you for advice, however, you have a consistent attitude which makes you a focused person. You might struggle to embrace the change at times, but you always do manage.

(Image Credits: Minds Journal)


03/5Between the middle and index finger

Between the middle and index finger

Those who adopt using the pen between their index and middle fingers are known for their adaptability and flexibility in life. They are open to new ideas and experiences, whereas they’re adventurous and curious in life. Their laid-back attitude allows them to opt for a go-with-the-flow attitude, but this might also lead to occasional indecisiveness at times. They are very easy-going and are enthusiastic companions.

(Image Credits: Mindsjournal)


04/5Thumb overlapping the fingers.

Thumb overlapping the fingers.

If you hold your pen overlapping all your fingers over your thumb then you’re an expressive and emotionally intelligent individual. You tend to wear your heart on your sleeve and connect deeply with the people you’re close to. You are an empathetic individual and you’re a great listener too with being a supportive friend. But, you sometimes have mood swings and get overwhelmed by emotions, but overall you’re a compassionate individual and can understand others truly.

(Image Credits: Minds Journal)


05/5Between index finger and thumb

Between index finger and thumb

For those who use their pen in this manner are precise and efficient. They have a methodical and analytical approach in life which makes them an excellent planner and organiser in life. People often turn to you when they need anything because you always look out for perfection and seek attention to detail. But, you might at times find it challenging to let go of control and trust others to handle things their way which might create chaos in your life.

(Image Credits: Minds Journal)
