Unlocking the secrets to winning in life with Shiv Khera's 'You Can Win'

Shiv Khera's bestseller 'You Can Win' emphasizes success, character building, positive attitude, self-discipline, gratitude, integrity, courage, empathy, wisdom, knowledge, and resilience for personal growth.
Unlocking the secrets to winning in life with Shiv Khera's 'You Can Win'
'You Can Win' by Shiv Khera (Image: Bloomsbury)
Shiv Khera’s motivational bestseller “You Can Win” isn’t just about achieving success, but it is also about different aspects of life like attitude, habits, qualities of winners, responsibility and more. The book’s core theme is building strong character. Here are ten key takeaways from the book to transform yourself into a strong character –
1- Developing positive attitude – Maintaining a positive attitude is the cornerstone of a strong character.
A positive mindset helps you overcome obstacles and influences people around you positively. Acquiring a positive attitude involves focusing on solving rather than thinking more about problems and focusing on the positive in the challenging situation.
2- Self – discipline – One of the most important and non-negotiable traits for achieving long-term goals. Avoiding distractions, controlling impulses, and developing habits that align with your objectives. Self-discipline is a major factor of success and personal growth.
3- Growing an attitude of Gratitude – Shifting your focus from what’s missing in your life to being appreciative about whatever you have. It is important to be grateful which will in turn help in developing a positive outlook towards life.
4- Applying integrity and honesty – For building a strong character, one must be truthful and maintain integrity in all your dealings thereby building trust and credibility. Integrity ensures that one stays true his/her your values and principles.
5- The power of courage – Courage is the foundation of strong character. It is all about confronting challenges head-on, embracing calculated risks, and making difficult decisions knowing your capabilities. It allows you to conquer fear and take bold steps towards achieving your goals.

6- Empathy and kindness – This enhances your character and helps build strong relationships. It is about treating others with respect, understanding and compassion. Valuing other’s perspectives and being kind can create a positive impact in both personal and professional settings.
7- Don’t just gulp, digest your learning – Learning is just not about stuffing your brain with information but it is equally important to absorb and reflect on what you take in. It is important to dedicate time to grasp the deeper meaning behind the knowledge you gain.
8- Seek wisdom over knowledge – Focus on seeking wisdom through knowledge. Wisdom is about using knowledge well by choosing what is right.
9- Embracing knowledge – Taking responsibility for your actions is essential for building character. One must stop blaming external circumstances and focus on what they can control. Owning up to your mistakes and learning from them is a sign of maturity and strong character.
10- Building resilience- Developing resilience allows you to recover from setbacks, and failures. It is a key component of building a strong character through perseverance when facing challenges.
By applying these principles, you can develop the mindset and habits necessary to achieve your goals and live a winning life.

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 3, Verse 12: Karma, Sacrifice & Divine Connection

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TOI Lifestyle Desk

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