Appendix:Wichí, Aymara, Kunza, Mapudungun, Rapa Nui and Spanish Swadesh lists

This is a Swadesh list of qfa-wic languages, specifically Wichí Lhamtés Nocten, Wichí Lhamtés Vejoz and Wichí Lhamtés Güisnay, compared with that of Aymara, Kunza, Mapudungun, Rapa Nui and Spanish, as well as English.

This list includes:

  • Aymara (Bolivia, Southeastern Peru, Northern Chile), Jaqaru family
  • Kunza (Northern Chile) — isolate, now extinct
  • Mapudungun (Chile), Araucanian family
  • Wichí (Northern Argentina), Mataco-Guaicuru family
  • Rapa Nui (Easter Island), Austronesian family
  • Spanish, Indo-European family


No English Aymara Kunza Wichí languages
(Guisnay, Nocten and Vejoz)
Mapudungun Rapa Nui Spanish
1 I * naya ackcka n’lham iñche (ko)au yo
2 you (sing.) juma tchema am eymi (ko)koe ,
usted (formal)
3 he jupa ? lham fey (ko)/(a)îa él
4 we * nanaka,
ckun namilh (incl.), tolhamilh (excl.) iñchiñ, iñchiw (dual) (ko)tâtou (inclusive),
(ko)matou (exclusive),
taûa (dual: you and I),
maûa (dual: he and I)
5 you pl jumanaka tchími amilh eymün,
eymu (dual)
korua arurua (dual)
ustedes (formal)
6 they jupanaka ickota lhamilh feyengün,
feyengu (dual)
raûa arurua (dual)
7 this * aka aâya, anta tojha (tü)fachi, (tü)fa nei este
8 that * uka ? (tü)feychi ena, era ese, aquel
9 here akana, akja aiss, ap-ps ikana tüfamew, fa(me)w î, inei aquí, acá
10 there khäna ? iknhi tiyemew, eye, uye eyew (nai)ná, airá-era ahí, allí, allá
11 who * khiti ? at’e iney, iñey aai quien
12 what * kuna ? at’ep chem aha que
13 where kawki ? e’ihi chew (i)hé, i kona hé donde
14 when ? ? e’ihinaji chumül agahé cuando
15 how ? ? e’wuye chum(ṉechi) pehea como
16 not * janiwa [[]] -la kai no
17 all * q'ala baini nufwu fill, kom ana(kea)nake todo
18 many * ancha, anchaki ? nitokw alüṉ, fent(r)en ? muchos
19 some yaqhipa ? mayek kiñeke ? algunos, unos
20 few k'atalla ? lhimphaj, niwefwa pichi ? poco
21 other wasa, yaqha ? elh kangelu tahi otro
22 one* maya semma unu kiñe (e)/(ka)tahi uno
23 two* paya ppoya lus epu (e)/(ka)rua dos
24 three kimsa ppálama tales küla (e)/(ka)toru tres
25 four pusi ? kwatlu meli (e)/(ka)há cuatro
26 five phisqa ? sinku kechu (e)/(ka)rima cinco
27 big * jach'a ckapur wefw futa, fucha, buta, buka nui nui grande
28 long * suyt'u, sayt'u, jach'a ? pitaj wif roa largo
29 wide t'alpha ckackar chitsajhu, chitsajpho fücharume, fücharupa lau ancho
30 thick thuru ? tach’upway fücharume, fücharupa matoru grueso
31 heavy jathi [[]] nichuyhat fane pagaha'a pesado
32 small * jisk'a [[]] niwefwa, lhomsaj pichi iti (iti) pequeño
33 short [[]] [[]] niptaja pichi, pütru poto corto
34 narrow k'ullk'u [[]] ilupenche, niktsajahu pichirume, pichirupa rikiriki, vakavaka estrecho, angosto
35 thin juchusa, sillp'a, tisi [[]] ilupen pichirume, pichirupa ra'i delgado, flaco
36 woman * warmi, tawaqu (young woman) lickau atsinha domo (che), üllcha domo (young woman) vi'e mujer
37 man (adult male) chacha, wayna (young man) sima hin'u wentru tangata hombre
38 man * (human being) jaqi ? che, wentru tangata hombre
39 child lala (boy), lulu (girl) (p)pauna ha’no’fwaj pichi wentru (boy), pichi domo (girl) poki tamaaroa/poki tane (boy), poki tamahahine/poki vahine (girl) niño, niña
40 wife warmi ? toch’efwa atsinha kure, ñadu (brother's), fillka (older brother's), ümwe (younger brother's), püñmo (son's, daughter-in-law) vi'e esposa, mujer
41 husband chacha, jaynu sima toch’efwa hin’u füta, ngillañ (sister's), kurum (older sister's), ngillañwentru (younger sister's), chedkuy (daughter's, son-in-law) kenu esposo, marido
42 mother tayka, mama ? toku ñuke, chuchu (mother's), kuku (father's), llalla (wife's) nua (archaic), matu'a vahine/matu'a poreko madre
43 father awki, tata tickan tofwcha chao, cheche (mother's), ḻaku (father's), chedkuy (wife's) koro (archaic), matu'a tane/matu'a tamaaroa padre
44 animal uywa (domestic), warqa (wild) [[]] tshowet kulliñ ika, manu animal
45 fish* challwa, chawlla ckacktchi w’ahat challwa ika pez, pescado
46 bird* jamach'i la(a)tchir afwenche üñüm manu ave, pájaro
47 dog* anu, anuqara lockma asinoj trewa paihenga perro
48 louse* lap'a hebir, horckan lha’ tün kutu piojo
49 snake katari, asiru [[]] afwotsaj filu, vilu ? serpiente, culebra
50 worm laq'u ? iwus, fwinayhay piru o'i o'i gusano
51 tree* quqa ? hal'o mamüll, mamill, aliweṉ (native tree) miro árbol
52 forest ? [[]] tayhi lemu ? bosque
53 stick lawa ? lhacha (branch) mamüll kohoa, miro palo
54 fruit achu ? lha füṉmamüll kai fruta
55 seed* jatha, muju ? tokoslhu’ füṉ, fün karu semilla
56 leaf* llaqa ckatta lawule tapül rau, raupá hoja
57 root* saphi ckapar lafwettsi folil aka raíz
58 bark* (from tree) ? tchacktchastur trolüf kiri corteza
59 flower panqara putchur, tticka lhawu rayen pua, tiare (Tahitian) flor
60 grass chhuxlla ckautcha hep kachu mouku hierba, pasto
61 rope phala misckar niyokw zef taura cuerda
62 skin* janchi ckati tot’oj trawa kiri piel
63 meat aycha, chichi ? t’isan ilo kiko carne
64 blood* wila laari w’uyis mollfüñ toto sangre
65 bone* ch'akha ? lhile foro ivi hueso
66 fat* (n.) lik'i ? tulupe’ (Spanish) yiwiñ nako grasa
67 egg* k'anwa, k'awna ckauti lhech’e kuram mamari huevo
68 horn* waxra backra toch’e müta ? cuerno
69 tail* wich'inkha [[]] tochos külen hiku cola
70 feather* phuyu ack-iu afwenche w’ule pichun, pichuñ huru huru pluma
71 hair* ñik'uta ? tow’uley (kaḻ) longko rauoho cabello, pelo
72 head* p'iqi ? tolhetek longko puoko cabeza
73 ear* jinchu ckaickai toch’ute’ pilun taringa oreja
74 eye* nayra ckepe, ckepi tottelhu nge mata ojo
75 nose* nasa seppi tonhes yu ihu nariz
76 mouth* laka ? tok’aj wüṉ haha boca
77 tooth* laka ch'akha ckénia totsute foro niho diente
78 tongue* laxra ? tok’ajlhech’e kewüṉ, kewen arero lengua
79 fingernail sillu ckenni tofwefwt’oj wili akikuku, maikuku uña
80 foot* kayu ckutchir topach’u ṉamuṉ va'e pie
81 leg chara ? totkolo chang horeko va'e pierna
82 knee* qunquri ? top’ulhak luku turi va'e rodilla
83 hand* ampara suy-i totkwe küwü rima mano
84 wing chhiqha ack-iu tolhefw müpü kará ala
85 belly* puraka, phathanka (stomach) ckani tots’e pütra kopú (stomach), manava barriga, vientre, panza
86 guts jiphilla ? totkosley küllche kokoma entrañas, tripas
87 neck* kunka ? tow’u peḻ ngao cuello
88 back ati ? towhu furi (tu'a)/(tua')ivi espalda
89 breast* ñuñu aytiackatnu tot’ate moyo, ruku û pecho, seno
90 heart* lluqu tchitack tot’utle piwke inanga, mahatu (Tahitian) corazón
91 liver* k'iwcha himri totonek ke ate (ánu ánu)/(hio hio) hígado
92 drink* umaña haitatur, ckacktur iyoyej putun unu beber, tomar
93 eat* manq'aña holm' tur tefw in kai comer
94 bite* achuraña (bite one by one) [[]] yukwaj ünan ngau morder
95 suck [[]] [[]] hits’e fochüdün omo chupar
96 spit thusarpaña [[]] ifwats’encho’ tofkün aanu escupir
97 vomit kutuyaña ppotuntur tach’eylhi rapin rua vomitar
98 blow phusaña ppúputur yafwit pimun puhi soplar
99 breathe [[]] hatckatchatur, hatratchatur t’iyalh ṉeyün haa respirar
100 laugh laruña [[]] t’ischey ayen kata reír
101 see* uñaña, ullaña [[]] hiw’en kintun tikea ver
102 hear* ist'aña yébitur ilota allkün ngaro'a oír
103 know* (a fact) yatiña [[]] yihanej kimün agi saber
104 think lup'iña, amuyt'aña [[]] tichunlhi rakiduamün mana'u pensar
105 smell musuña [[]] tan’isinej nümün hongi oler
106 fear mulla [[]] nuway llükan mataku temer
107 sleep* ikiña [[]] imo umawtun moe dormir
108 live qamaña, sarnaqaña [[]] iloy, ihi mongelen ora vivir
109 die* jiwaña [[]] y'ilh, ileyej hunhat ḻaṉ, ḻay mate morir
110 kill* jiwarpäña, jiwarpayaña lattatur ilon ḻangümün tinga'i matar
111 fight sillqiña [[]] tol’ey kewan [[]] pelear
112 hunt [[]] [[]] chel nün, tun poko cazar
113 hit k'uphaña, nuwaña [[]] yikojlhi mütrongün, palolpaloltun tu'u golpear
114 cut khariña [[]] yiset katrün tarai, vahi cortar
115 split pachjaña [[]] hich’esaj triran ngahaa partir
116 stab [[]] [[]] itsonhu chüngarün oka apuñalar
117 scratch jurqhiña, jurqhiraña [[]] chasmajlhi ünan raku arañar, rascar
118 dig p'ataña, alliña, jat'iña [[]] tishi rüngan karo cavar
119 swim* tuyuña, tuykataña [[]] t’ilin weyelün kau nadar
120 fly* (v.) t'uyuña, jalsuña [[]] wiy’o müpün rere volar
121 walk* saraña [[]] yik trekan, marchay haere caminar
122 come* jutaña hautur nom küpan tu'u venir
123 lie* ikintaña [[]] lhipiyen, imokatsi tranawün, kuzun moe echarse, acostarse, tenderse
124 sit* qunuña [[]] tataypho anün noho sentarse
125 stand* [[]] [[]] takasit witrapüran tu'u estar de pie
126 turn [[]] [[]] ilenejlhi chüwüzün taviri voltear
127 fall jalaqtaña [[]] tolhpho ütrünaqün hinga caer
128 give* churaña ckantur hiw’enhu wülün [[]] dar
129 hold [[]] [[]] ichojlhi nünien aaru sostener
130 squeeze q'upjaña [[]] hits’ifwin kütrün, ngütrarün ngatu apretar
131 rub khakhuraña [[]] ifwetlhi ngüllfün [[]] frotar
132 wash jariña [[]] ilej küchan [[]] lavar
133 wipe phiskhuña [[]] isek (sweep) lipümün [[]] limpiar
134 pull t'ajsaña, mithaña [[]] itunhi witran [[]] tirar
135 push nukhuña [[]] yihetche rültren [[]] empujar
136 throw [[]] [[]] tafwumej ütrüfentun vero tirar, arrojar
137 tie ñach'aña, yapiña [[]] inayhit trarin haha'u atar
138 sew chhithaña [[]] itsek ñüzüfün tui coser
139 count wakhuña [[]] kunta (Spanish) rakin tataku contar
140 say * [[]] hammatur yuk, fwelh pin ki decir
141 sing waruruña, jaylliña [[]] t’ich’uylhi üḻkantun [[]] cantar
142 play anataña [[]] yikuy awkantun (ko)kori jugar
143 float [[]] [[]] ipe’not zeñoyün [[]] flotar
144 flow [[]] [[]] yik witrun tehe fluir
145 freeze ch'uñjañ (freeze potatoes) [[]] trangliñün [[]] helar
146 swell p'asatatasna [[]] t’ikwa (noun) ponkwin, iñchalen [[]] hincharse
147 sun* willka (ritual), inti ckaâpin, ckapin fwala aṉṯü raá sol
148 moon* phaxsi ckamur wel’a küyeṉ mahina luna
149 star* warawara haalar kates wangülen hetu'u estrella
150 water* uma ack, puri, puye, yacko inot ko vai agua
151 rain* jallu saire, sairi inot litak maw ua lluvia
152 river jawira back-cka tewuk lewfü, ḻewfü ? río
153 lake quta ? lawumek, lhemchitaj pichiḻafkeṉ rano lago
154 sea mama quta, lamarquta (Spanish) ? inot litak ḻafkeṉ tai mar
155 salt jayu ckuta, ckutta nisuy chadi miti sal
156 stone* qala ckaitchi tente kura ma'ea piedra
157 sand* ch'alla horckte alena kuyum one arena
158 dust ? [[]] hulu, lamukw trufür, trufken hunga polvo
159 earth* pacha, uraqi ? hunhat mapu henua, kaíŋa tierra
160 cloud* qinaya [[]] pele tromü rangi nube
161 fog [[]] [[]] tetsetaj trukur kapua niebla
162 sky laqampu [[]] pele kallfü wenu rangi cielo
163 wind thaya [[]] ihwok kürüf tokerau viento
164 snow khunu ? pire, üñi ? nieve
165 ice chhullunkhiya ? fwiy’et trangliñ ? hielo
166 smoke* jiq'i, jiwq'i ? tetsey fitrun au humo
167 fire* nina humur, ckelar itoj kütral ahi fuego
168 ash* qhilla [[]] itoj mukw trufken éo éo, ikuvera cenizas
169 burn* phichhaña [[]] hip’u pütren, lüpümün tutu quemar
170 road* thaki [[]] n’oyij rüpü ara camino
171 mountain* qullu [[]] tachenaj mawida [[]] montaña
172 red* wila; chupika (poppy red) lari ichot kelü henga henga, hero hero, mea mea, reto reto rojo
173 green* ch'uxña ckaâri w’atshan karü rito mata verde
174 yellow* q'illu; churi (pale yellow) ? ka’te chod; podkura, polkura (pale yellow) toua mamari amarillo
175 white* janq'u ? ipelaj lig, l(i)üg, fülang tea tea blanco
176 black* ch'iyära atchi, haatchi chalaj kurü kere kere, uri uri negro
177 night* aruma atán hunatsi puṉ, trafuya po noche
178 day uru ckaâpin fwala aṉṯu raá, mahana día
179 year mara [[]] nekchom tripaṉṯü matahiti, ta'u (archaic) año
180 warm* junt'u (hot) [[]] nichay’ukwe, nichay’uhi are hana cálido, tibio
181 cold* ch'uch'u [[]] nitechojche, nitechojhi wütre, fürkü takeo frío
182 full* phuqha [[]] tapuyej apon [[]] lleno
183 new* machaqa ? nech’ayik we ho'ou nuevo
184 old thantha [[]] thalokw, lawemek fücha, kuse koroua, tuuai viejo
185 good* suma ckaâya, ckaya; ckackchi, ckacktchir (food) is küme riva bueno
186 bad ñanqha [[]] fwitsaj üñfi, weda kino, rake rake malo
187 rotten ñusata becktchi, ckaimaiñir najhet funa piro podrido
188 dirty k'ank'a, qirari [[]] kuk’apho pod havahava, iŋoiŋo sucio
189 straight [[]] [[]] tatshepiche itro [[]] recto
190 round* muruqu [[]] lhip’unlhi chüngküz [[]] redondo
191 sharp [[]] [[]] y’ey yungelen ka'i afilado
192 dull [[]] [[]] [[]] puni desafilado
193 smooth illawa, llusq'a [[]] talich’i pañush [[]] suave, liso
194 wet juri [[]] tasey kültraf lali mojado
195 dry * qhulu, phara ckein-tcha tamchoy piwün paka seco
196 correct chiqaki [[]] matche rüf titika correcto
197 near [[]] [[]] nitufwayey pülle hahine, tupuaki cerca
198 far [[]] [[]] atufwey kamapu kumi lejos
199 right kupi ckonnir tofwumkat man (rara) mata'u derecha
200 left ch'iqa ckapir tots’amkat wele (rara) maui izquierda
201 at [[]] [[]] mew i a, en, ante
202 in [[]] ay ikfwi (inside) mew i en
203 with [[]] ckol lhoy’a mew [[]] con
204 and [[]] [[]] wet ka me, e, pe, piri y
205 if [[]] [[]] che [[]] ana si
206 because kunalayku ("why?") [[]] latesej porke [[]] porque
207 name* suti tchei lhey üy ingoa nombre




  • Carvajal Carvajal, Juan, Arturo Hernández Sallés y Nelly Ramos Pizarro. 2001. Diccionario Ilustrado Aymara Español Inglés. Santiago: Pehuén. 179 p. →ISBN


  • Vaïsse, Emilio F., Félix Segundo Hoyos y Aníbal Echeverría i Reyes. 1896. Glosario de la Lengua Atacameña. Santiago: Impresa Cervantes. 36 p.


  • Vidal, Alejandra and Verónica Nercesian. 2009. "Wichí vocabulary" In: Haspelmath, Martin & Tadmor, Uri (eds.) World Loanword Database. Munich: Max Planck Digital Library, 1187 entries.


  • Augusta, Félix José de. 1990. Gramática Mapuche Bilingüe. Santiago: Séneca. 344 p.
  • Hernández Sallés, Arturo, Nelly Ramos Pizarro y Carlos Cárcamo Luna. 2005. Diccionario Mapudungun Español Inglés. Santiago: Pehuén. 146 p. 5.ª ed. →ISBN
  • Muñoz Huenchún, Rafael, ed. 2006. Diccionario Mapuche Mapudungun-Español / Español-Mapudungun. Santiago: Ed. Centro Gráfico. 253 p. →ISBN
  • Lucía Golluscio & Adriana Fraguas & Fresia Mellico, Mapudungun Vocabulary in: Haspelmath, Martin & Tadmor, Uri (eds.) World Loanword Database. Munich: Max Planck Digital Library, 1412 entries.

Rapa Nui

  • Englert, Sebastián. 1978. Idioma Rapanui Gramática y Diccionario del antiguo idioma de la Isla de Pascua. Santiago: U. de Chile. 287 p. 2.ª ed.
  • Hernández Sallés, Arturo y Nelly Ramos Pizarro et al. 2006. Diccionario Rapa Nui Español Inglés Francés. Santiago: Pehuén. 152 p. 2.ª ed. →ISBN

See also

Swadesh lists
Individual languages
Language families, family branches, and geographic groupings
Constructed languages
Reconstructed proto-languages
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