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Program Overview

Eligibility Criteria


Program Fees

Incentives and Sanctions


Program Evaluation


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Admission into the Douglas County Adult Drug Court is based on several moving parts and within a progressive timeframe. The initial step is the connecting of defense counsel with the designated Deputy County Attorney who works specifically with the County’s problem-solving court programs. A felony offender’s written application/petition and approval by the Douglas County Attorney takes place first.

The County Attorney’s office reviews the offender’s criminal history, as well as the circumstances of the charged offense(s) if deemed appropriate the case is then referred to the Drug Court Program Office for an additional suitability review. The Review involves the candidate agreeing to be screened and scheduling an office appointment with the drug court office. Candidates can expect to undergo assessments as well as providing familial dynamics past and present and information on one’s substance using lifestyle. The screening outcome, in order to qualify as eligible, needs to meet a high-risk high need designation. Not all substance-using offenders seeking a drug court placement meet these eligibility standards. Just because a candidate reports use, doesn’t necessarily mean they are eligible at the required level. Substance usage is merely one factor of many when determining risk. After the screening at the Drug Court Office, the recommendations are forwarded to the Deputy County Attorney for final review and eligibility determination.

If the Eligibility criteria are met and the candidate wishes to apply for admission into the Adult Drug Court Program, the first step is for the Deputy County Attorney to set a plea date with one of the four Drug Court Judges. If deemed appropriate the Drug Court Judge signs the Plea order and sets the case(s) for sentencing and informs Counsel and candidate of when to appear for their Drug Court hearing. If the candidate then shows for the assigned next Drug Court hearing, they are assigned/introduced to their Drug Court Case Supervisor and an office orientation appointment is scheduled. At the orientation appointment, the candidate fills out more paperwork and is further informed as to the rules, responsibilities, and expectations of the program. Next, and typically the same week, the candidate then appears at their second Drug Court hearing and there they are formally accepted, a sentencing date will be canceled and an order of admission is signed. Now the candidate is officially considered admitted.


Admission Petition

The following petition is the current form to be used when applying for admission into the Douglas County Adult Drug Court. Keep in mind that these forms are to be filled out in their entirety, signed and presented at the time of the plea. These forms are frequently updated, so make sure to check back to this particular website for the most up to date form. Petition Requesting Admission into the Adult Drug Court.