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The Douglas County Young Adult Court (YAC) is a judicially supervised Problem Solving Court that provides a sentencing alternative for youthful offenders age 18-24 who are charged with a felony. A participant in this program will undergo specialized assessments, participate in rehabilitative services administered by multidisciplinary agencies and work with community partners to address the needs of the participant in order to decrease recidivism and give participants a second chance. Judge Shelly R. Stratman and Judge James M. Masteller preside over this program.

In addition to the judges, the Young Adult Court is staffed by a Problem Solving Court Coordinator, Problem Solving Court Officer(s), a Deputy Douglas County Attorney, an Assistant Douglas County Public Defender, Douglas County Corrections Reentry Assistance Program staff, an employment specialist, a community service coordinator, and a member of local law enforcement.

A candidate for the program undergoes an assessment screening by the specialized probation officers and is reviewed by the county attorney. If the candidate is accepted, the participant will enter a plea of guilty to the felony charge and sentencing will be deferred for participation in the program. This is a three-phase program that includes but is not limited to the following key

Phase I - STABILIZATION – (up to 9 months)

Phase II – COMMUNITY TRANSITION – (up to 9 months)

Phase III - MAINTENANCE – (up to 12 months)


Who is eligible for Young Adult Court?

  1. Candidate age 18-24 charged with a non-violent felony offense
  2. Candidate whose Counsel contacts the County Attorney’s Office within ten (10) weeks post-arrest for the initial screen and approval; undergo a pre-plea screening process at the Problem Solving Court office and be determined High Risk/High Need.
  3. Candidate must enter a guilty plea in front of Judge Stratman or Judge Masteller to the charged offense(s); agree to complete all requested Young Adult Court expectations, which could include Substance Abuse evaluation and treatment.

Admission & Application Information

Admission to the Douglas County Young Adult Court is based on the following steps:

  1. Candidate’s Counsel contacts the County Attorney’s office to make a referral.
  2. County Attorney reviews the candidate’s criminal history and circumstances of the charged offense(s) and if deemed appropriate, refers the case to the Problem Solving Court for an additional suitability review. This review involves a comprehensive interview, using the Level of Service, Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) This inventory includes a review of family history and dynamics, substance abuse history, and lifestyle. The screening outcome will need to meet a high risk/high need designation for being eligible. After this screening interview, recommendations are sent to the County Attorney for final review and eligibility determination.
  3. Once eligibility and suitability criteria are met, the County Attorney will schedule a plea date with the presiding judge. The candidate will be formally admitted into the Young Adult Court and will begin to attend status hearings.

Incentives and Sanctions

Incentives are the court’s response to positive behavior and progress. Incentives are individualized, varied, and may include:

  • Verbal recognition from the Judge or Young Adult Court staff.
  • Receipt of certificates for program completion
  • Early completion of phases
  • Reduction in programming
  • Reduction in required appointments and court dates

Sanctions are the court’s response to non-compliant behavior and/or minimal progress. Sanctions are individualized, vary in severity, and may include:

  • Counseling session or verbal reprimand from your Young Adult Court officer
  • An increase in the level of supervision,
  • Referral to evaluations, treatment or programming related to correcting the noncompliant behavior
  • Issuance of community service hours.
  • Placement on electronic monitoring within your home
  • Short term jail sanction may also be imposed by the Judge.

YAC Incentives and Sanctions Brochure


Participants in Phase 3, who have completed all program requirements will be eligible for Graduation and a dismissal of the Felony charges. A Graduation Ceremony is held where the individual is awarded a certificate of completion and an order dismissing the charges by Judge Stratman or Judge Masteller.


If a participant is accepted into the Young Adult Court and is unsuccessful in the program, sanctions will be imposed up to termination or withdrawal from the program. If a participant partially completes the program this can potentially result in a withdrawal of felony charges that are then reduced to a Class 1 Misdemeanor. Termination can be a result of new criminal charges, lack of progress in the program, or the participant’s request to withdraw. Participants can be terminated from the program at the discretion of the Judge, County Attorney, and Young Adult Court staff.


Douglas County Young Adult Court is located in the Douglas County Criminal Justice Center located at 1709 Jackson Street, 4th Floor, Omaha, Nebraska, 68102-2513. Our main office can be reached by dialing 402-444-4187. Our office hours are Monday–Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.