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Program Overview

Eligibility Criteria


Program Fees

Incentives and Sanctions


Program Evaluation


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Once the initial Drug Court eligibility screening has occurred and the candidate has been deemed eligible and a plea of guilty has been entered with the court, the next step is for the candidate to appear at their initial drug court hearing and be assigned a Drug Court Case Supervisor. At the initial hearing the candidate will schedule their orientation appointment (to be held in the next 7 days after the plea). After the orientation appointment has been held and the substance use evaluation has been received, reviewed and approved the Drug Court Case Supervisor along with the Drug Court Treatment Coordinator will utilize the already completed substance use evaluation and its recommendations in determining appropriate treatment service levels.

There are many factors related to determining the most appropriate service provider. Some variables include, but are not limited to; location; cost and availability. Other related issues may have to do with frequency of treatment placements by the participant given their reported history of possible services. As well, participant’s recorded substance use or criminal history. Admission into treatment services and its timing may appear like a sure thing to the participant, but each personal variable of the participant is taken into consideration and the plan for treatment services to begin must meet each individual’s current needs.

Once the participant begins in their services their attendance as well as their participation is closely monitored by the court. It is the expectation of the Drug Court that service placements are taken seriously, participation by each participant is to their fullest, and when successfully completed the participant has obtained the necessary information and insight.

If variables should exist that force a reassignment of service provider, level of care, etc. each case will be reviewed individually by our case review team.