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Program Overview

Eligibility Criteria


Program Fees

Incentives and Sanctions


Program Evaluation


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The term commencement is used versus graduation because at this point in a participant’s program they are celebrating a new beginning, a start of a healthier lifestyle whereas the term graduation acknowledges a completion, or ending.

Participants in Phase III who have meet all program requirements are eligible to be considered for completing their drug court stay and can look forward to a lifestyle where they become sole stewards of their own life. Drug Court completely backs out upon commencement.

The first step in applying for commencement involves the participant completing an “application for graduation”. In addition to completing the application, the participant must also complete the following:

  1. A GED or other assigned educational requirement.
  2.  6 months leading up to commencement one must have approved and consistent gainful employment.
  3.  6 months leading up to commencement one must have demonstrated perfect drug screening attendance along with receiving negative urine results, free of no shows, refusals etc.
  4.  Substance use and mental health services.
  5.  Payment of all program fees, fines, restitution & assigned court costs.
  6.  A valid driver’s license.
  7.  A criminal background check performed. A participant cannot commence if he/she has a pending charge, pending criminal case etc…
  8.  25 hours of phase III/MRT community service work.
  9.  Participant has spent at least three-months in phase III status prior to commencement.
  10. Completed an approved special project. 

Commencements are held four times a year in the months of March, June, September and December. Commencing individuals are requested to attend this formal ceremony and to invite family, friends and significant others. Commencing individuals will enjoy a ceremony of speakers, and are provided an opportunity to speak themselves. All commencing individuals will receive formal dismissals on their admitting charge(s) and formal notice that their admitting case(s) have been sealed on their record (not sealed to law enforcement). The ceremony is followed by refreshments and fellowship between those commencing and invitees.