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Program Overview

Eligibility Criteria


Program Fees

Incentives and Sanctions


Program Evaluation


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Participants will be charged a monthly program fee of $50.00. The monthly charge begins to accrue the first full month following their Drug Court orientation date and every month thereafter up to commencement. The Drug Court participant has the entire month with which to pay off that current months charges (with the exception of their commencing month). In addition to the monthly fee charged, all graduates are expected to pay any assigned restitution and or court costs prior to their graduation. This will be discussed the closer one reaches their commencing date.

Participants are not charged for drug screening services. However, each participant entering the in-house MRT class will be charged for each MRT booklet assigned to them. One Booklet should be all that is needed, however, if they are lost, stolen, etc. the participant will be assessed another booklet fee. Each booklet is $25.00.

Fees are expected to be paid on time to the Clerk of the District Court, 3rd floor, Hall of Justice at the cashier’s window. It is the participant’s responsibility to request a receipt of payment and check it for accuracy. Each week in Drug Court the Judge will ask for any receipts.

Each time a payment is made at the Clerk’s Office, a Drug Court payment form MUST accompany each payment. Payment forms can only be obtained at the Drug Court Office during a scheduled office visit with one’s Drug Court Case Supervisor. The time NOT to request a payment form is at weekly Drug Court hearings.