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Reader’s Guide

The story of Shadow on the Mountain was inspired by the real-

life experiences of Erling Storrusten, who was a teenager in
Lillehammer, Norway, in 1940, when Nazi Germany invaded and
occupied Norway. Like the real Erling, the fictional hero of the
novel, Espen, gets involved in the Resistance, first by delivering
illegal underground newspapers, then by becoming a courier, and
finally by working as a spy. Eventually, he has to escape on skis over
the mountains to neutral Sweden.
The backdrop to Shadow on the Mountain: In September, 1939,
Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia attacked Poland. In November
of 1939 the Soviets invaded Finland. Finland fought back in what
was known as the Winter War. Many Norwegians went to Finland
to help fight against the Soviets. Norway and Finland share a border
in the far north of their countries; the Norwegians were worried
that the Soviets would also invade their country. When Germany
invaded Norway and Denmark in April, 1940, Germany tried to
capitalize on that fear by offering to protect the Norwegians from
the Soviet Bolsheviks.
Sweden, sandwiched between Norway and Finland, remained neutral
throughout the war. Sweden sold iron ore to Germany and German
soldiers were permitted to travel through the country. But Sweden
also harbored thousands of Danish and Norwegian Jews and offered
a safe haven to those who worked in Resistance organizations of
those countries.
Germany went on to invade and occupy France, Belgium, the
Netherlands and Luxembourg. That was only the beginning of a war
that eventually involved virtually the whole world. The principal
belligerents were the Axis powers of Germany, Italy, and Japan. The
Allies included France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet
Union, and, to a lesser extent, China. The war ended in 1945 when
the Axis powers surrendered to the Allies.

Research other places in the world where citizens are resisting or
have recently resisted and even successfully overthrown repressive
governments. What kind of actions did they take or are they taking
to make their voices heard?

1. Why does Tante Marie tell Espen the story of Odin and the well of
wisdom? Later, Tante Marie tells Espen to “watch with both eyes.”
What does she mean by that? After the episode at the shoe repair
shop, why does Espen think that he has “not been watching with
both eyes?”

2. Why doesn’t Espen try to find out who is in Tante Marie’s barn?

3. Ingrid writes in her diary that she “had once believed that words
ALSO AVAILABLE were powerful.” The Nazis must have believed that words were
powerful since they made it illegal to listen to British radio
FROM MARGI PREUS broadcasts or read unsanctioned newspapers. What did they
hope to accomplish by this? There are still countries that censor
Reader’s Guide


 hen Kjell drinks the last of the liquid, Espen thinks of
how Odin drank from the well of wisdom and saw how
 news or prevent people from reading or listening to news other
humankind could conquer the sorrow and desolation
than government-sponsored stations or newspapers. Why do
that would befall all people—but he can’t remember how.
some governments want to control what people hear or read?
What do you think Odin might have seen as the way to
In what other ways are people’s access to news, ideas, or conquer “the evil that brought sorrow and desolation to
conflicting viewpoints controlled or constricted? humankind”?

4. Why
 do the characters in the novel make the choices they do? 15. What is the shadow on the mountain?
- What are Aksel’s reasons for joining the Nazis? Why is he
so bitter? Is his bitterness justified?
- What are Kjell’s reasons for joining the hird and the FURTHER RESEARCH
Norwegian Nazis?
- Why does Espen join the Resistance? What countries were involved in the war? Who was fighting
against whom?
5. W
 hen Ingrid steals the ration cards, she wonders if “it’s
What events led up to the war? How did the United States
good or bad, right or wrong.” Later, she steals a ration card
eventually get involved? What countries were our (two major)
stamp but doesn’t seem to pause to think about it—at least,
allies? What (three major) countries were our enemies?
we never hear about it.
Find these countries on a map of the world to get a sense of the
I n her book Sky, about her involvement in the Dutch
scope of the war.
Resistance, Hanneke Ippisch, writes, “When we first
became active Resistance workers, we were law-abiding Hitler was convinced the British would attack Germany by
citizens. . . . as it became harder to help, we became less invading through Norway. Therefore, he fortified Norway with
law-abiding.” Is it ever right to break the law? If so, under (eventually) 400,000 soldiers. Examine a map of Norway—take a
what circumstances? look at the coast to see why Hitler needed so many troops there!

6. W
 hy does Espen think that Ingrid’s feeding of the prisoners Most of the countries occupied by the Nazis had active resistance
is a powerful act of resistance? Why does he think that groups. Students may want to research the resistance efforts.
“over time, ordinary acts of kindness could turn the Nazi
ideology to dust?” DENMARK Bright Candles: A Novel of the Danish
Resistance, Nathaniel Benchley
7. N
 orwegians who collaborated with the Germans were given
Darkness over Denmark: The Danish Resistance
the “ice treatment” by their countrymen who were opposed and the Rescue of the Jews, Ellen Levine
to the Occupation. Ingrid thought it was mean. What
Number the Stars, Lois Lowry
reasons does Espen give as justification for these actions?
Do you feel the “ice treatment” was justified?
FRANCE Resistance: Book 1, Carla Jablonski and Leland Purvis
8. W
 hy does Tante Marie tell Espen the story about Hunin and (a YA graphic novel)
HOLLAND Sky, Hanneke Ippisch
9. A
 ksel’s mother says, “You can’t be compassionate toward A Traitor Among Us, Elizabeth Van Steenwyk
some people but not others. That is not compassion.” What
is compassion?
When My Name Was Keoko, Linda Sue Park
(Japanese occupation)
Why does Espen decide not to hide the incriminating
documents in Kjell’s house?
Hitler Youth: Growing up in Hitler’s Shadow,
11. Why does Espen take Ingrid’s diary instead of burning it? Susan Campbell Bartoletti
When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit, Judith Kerr
12. O
 nce while in a rowboat with Kjell and Ingrid, Espen sees
a draug . Why does Kjell tell Espen that he saw the draug
AUSTRIA The Devil in Vienna, Doris Orgel
but tries to make Ingrid believe he didn’t?

13. In his last encounter with Kjell, Espen wonders if he EUROPE Resistance to the Nazis, Jane Shuter
really saw the draug or if he had only imagined it. Then
he wonders if Kjell is really there with him or if he is only
imagining him. What do you think?

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