Analyst Coverage

Disclaimer: Multi Commodity Exchange Of India Ltd (MCX) is covered by the various analysts and the coverage and updates published by some of these are listed above. Please note that any opinion, estimate or forecast regarding MCX's performance made by these analysts are their personal views, opinion and analysis and does not represent opinions, estimates or forecasts of MCX or its management.

MCX does not, by its reference above, imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations. The list includes some of the analysts currently known by MCX to follow the company and who have given their consent for display of these reports, hence this may not be complete list and may change as firms, add or delete coverage. MCX undertakes, no obligation to update this list. MCX does not distribute information or reports prepared by analysts.

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Stock Prices As on 12 Jul 2024 15:53

` 3766.60 (BSE)

6.60 ▲ 0.18%

(Quotes Delayed by 15 Minutes)

Key Ratios

EBITDA Margin 50%
PAT Margin 35%

Consolidated - As On Q1 FY 2023

Market Capitalization

`19209.05 Cr.

As on 12 Jul 2024 15:53

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