
MCX is facilitating Members to trade in MCX by using Internet connectivity. Since Internet is less secure media as compared to dedicated connectivity (MPLS/Leased Circuit), MCX provides Secure Access VPN access to the clients to connect to MCX in a secured way. MCX provides RSA Tokens (Software Base) for two factor authentication for secure trading.

MCX provides Internet based MTS as trading front end. Below are prerequisites at client’s end to connect to MCX via Internet:

  • CPU - PC with Intel Core i5 & i7 3.00 GHz or Higher processor speed
  • RAM - 8 GB RAM,
  • Hard Disk - 100 GB HDD and above
  • Operating system - Windows 10 & above (32 bit/64 bit) with latest service pack.
  • Internet Browser - Internet Explorer Ver. 11 and above.
  • Other Software’s - .NET Framework 4.5.2 & Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Setup (32/64 BIT) + 4570501 Security Only Update for .NET Framework 3.5, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8 for Windows Server 2012 (KB4570501)
  • Dedicated Internet connection (Non proxy-based connection)
  • VPN Secure Remote Software (Provided by MCX, kept on MCXFTP server)
  • MTS software for Trading (Provided by MCX, kept on MCXFTP server)
  • Procurement of RSA Token

NOTE: If member is having high transactions then RAM is to be upgraded accordingly

Please refer to below hardware and system software requirement for MCS used by members having very high number of transactions.

  • Components - MCS-Higher Transactions
  • Operating System - Windows 10 & above - (64-bit)
  • Processor - Intel Core i5 & i7 3.00 GHz or Higher
  • RAM - 8 GB or Above
  • Free HDD Space - 160 GB or Above
  • Network card (NIC) - 1 Gbps or faster NIC

Other Recommendations:

  • Antivirus should be disabled during trading hours.
  • Windows Firewall should be disabled during trading hours.
  • No other applications should be running along with MTS/MCS.

MCX provides Internet based Member Trading Station provided member does not have any other mode of connectivity except internet and is not availing CTCL facility.

RSA Tokens

Members, who are trading over Internet, essentially need to procure RSA tokens for two factor authentications to provide better and secure mode of connectivity for trading as per SEBI Master circular no: SEBI/HO/MRD/DP/CIR/P/2016/135 dated December 16, 2016. MCX is providing the software RSA token in Two version 1) Desktop 2) Android. Member must choose one version.

New RSA token: Member has to provide the full details in the following format on email while applying for RSA token after mapping of user ID on internet is completed.

User ID Username Member ID Member Name Version (Desktop / Android) Mobile No

Renewal of RSA token: - Before expiry date of the token MCX will issue the new RSA token after receiving written e-mail confirmation from member. The applicable charge will be deducted from member settlement account after delivery of the software RSA token.

Re-Validation of RSA token: Whenever user becomes inactive from internet, the RSA Software token mapped to that user can be re-validated for another user.

Conversion of RSA Token: Member can change the version of RSA token from Desktop to Android and vice versa.

Charges for RSA Token

Sr. No. Description Charges per Token per User ID (Rs.) Remarks
1 New RSA Token 4,000 Charges includes procurement of RSA Token, Activation & support.
2 Renewal of RSA Token 1,500
  • *Charges are exclusive of applicable taxes.

No charges for reactivation of RSA token

Refer circular a) Internet : MCX/507/2019 dated September 16, 2019 , MCX/019/2006 dated January 14, 2006 and MCX/395/2006 dated September 16, 2006

for RSA token: MCX/TECH/460/2017 dated December 14, 2017 , MCX/TECH/255/2024 dated April 25, 2024

Also for User ID charges refer circular no : MCX/010/2005 dated January 11, 2005 .

Technology Trust Factors

ISO 22301:2019

Business Continuity Management System

Technology Trust Factors

ISO 27001:2013

Information security Management Standard

Technology Trust Factors

ISO 9001:2015

Quality Management System

Technology Trust Factors

ISO 14001:2015

Environmental Management System

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