Who Can Subscribe to Datafeed

Type of subscribers of MCX data feed
Vendor or distributor:Vendor or data distributor are allowed to receive data feeds from the exchange for using, processing, and disseminating information through them for their clients.

Redistributors: Redistributors are entities to whom the authorized vendors of the MCX provides data feed according to the terms of the redistributors’ data feed agreement with the Exchange. Redistributors need to sign a redistribution agreement with MCX. Redistributors may further disseminate data feed information to their clients only through their own terminals, screens, software packages, websites, mobile phones, and TV channels. Redistributors are not allowed to further redistribute or sell the data to any third party which is not a subscriber.

Media (television).: Television channels can subscribe to data feed directly from the exchange or through authorized data feed vendors of the MCX. They need to sign the TV Channel agreement of MCX on subscription to data feed. Resale of data by television channels, in any form, whatsoever, is not permitted.

Member: Members of MCX are allowed to subscribe to data feeds for dissemination on their own website only. Member can subscribe to data feed from authorized vendors or from MCX directly. Where members are subscribing to data feeds from MCX, they are required to enter into an agreement with the exchange. Resale of data by members, in any form, whatsoever, is not permitted.

Non-members: Organisations/entities interested in displaying exchange data on their own website or mobile app, or in any other electronic form can subscribe to real-time or delayed data feed either from MCX or through authorised distributors. Both real-time and delayed data can be displayed on mobile apps or any other electronic display; however, only delayed data is allowed for public display on the websites. Resale of data, in any form, whatsoever, is not permitted.

Technology Trust Factors

ISO 22301:2019

Business Continuity Management System

Technology Trust Factors

ISO 27001:2013

Information security Management Standard

Technology Trust Factors

ISO 9001:2015

Quality Management System

Technology Trust Factors

ISO 14001:2015

Environmental Management System

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