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Movie Review: "Thor: Ragnorok" Is A Campy And Very Funny Ode To B-Science Fiction

THOR: RAGNOROK Starring Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston,  Cate Blanchett, Tessa Thompson, Idris Elba, Tessa Thompson, Karl Urban,  Jeff Goldblum  Anthony Hopkins and Mark Ruffalo Screenplay by Eric Pearson and Craig Kyle & Christopher Yost Directed by Taika Waititi Reviewed by by Patrick & Paul Gibbs  Out of Four It seems there has been a backlash against the original Thor over time,   but personally we are quite fond of Kenneth Branagh's film .  Natalie Portman's Jane Foster character has been vilified by many, and she was indeed a bit of of a swooning Mary Swann (a hybrid of the Mary Sue designation and Twilight' s Bella Swann, who is basically a Mary Sue without the "good at things" element), but the combination of King Lear (Edgar and Edmund, the sons of Glouchester, to be specific) and  Crocodile Dundee with a Norse God was an awful lot of fun, and after the misfire of Iron Man 2 it was the movie that sold us on actually