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Showing posts with the label the deer hunter

The other John Williams

Back in 1979, this piece of music confused me a lot.  It accompanied a film, The Deer Hunter , I watched over and over again because of the great acting of Christopher Walken, Rober DeNiro, John Cazale and Meryl Streep (plus the rest of the cast of course). but the thing that puzzled me the most was the fact that although the composer of this piece of (great) music bore the same name as the one who had scored Jaws and Close Encounters , he was a totally different person. (a similar thing happened a few years later when the film Mad Max was released and I found out that the music had been composed by Brian May, not the Brian May of Queen (of course), but again, that also took some time for me to find out) Nowadays all it takes is checking on Google, but in those (prehistoric) days we mostly relied on encyclopedia and they didn't always have stills in them, so it took a while, but in the end I found out there can be more than one. Here is a live version by (that ot