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Showing posts with the label trivia

VIDEO: Think You Know All About Jurassic Park?

Are you a Jurassic Park know-it-all? So you've seen Jurassic Park a dozen times or more (I'm guessing more), and you're reasonably sure you know everything about the making of the movie - Right? Well, hold on - Not so fast. There might be a few things that have escaped your attention over 22 years and multiple viewings. Check out the video below to see if I'm right. It's part of a "You Think You Know Movies" series from ScreenCrush . So, was I right? THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ THE BEARDED TRIO ON PINTEREST CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON STEVEN SPIELBERG CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON GEORGE LUCAS CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON JOHN WILLIAMS Contact Lisa at  [email protected]

Trivia From A Galaxy Far Far Away. Star Wars: Original Trilogy Book Review

Q uestion   - What do most Star Wars trivia books and games have in common?  Answer - The questions.  They're either too hard or too easy. A few months ago I had a Star Wars trivia night with a few mates.  Armed with Star Wars trivial pursuit I thought the evening would be a great success.  It was only a few questions in before I realised that this wasn't going to work.  The reason?  A number of things.  The people in the room had different levels of Star Wars knowledge.  There was me who is your Star Wars geek who knows about the expanded universe, the original trilogy and the prequels not to mention The Clone Wars animated series.  There were others who had knowledge of most of the above apart from the expanded universe.  Then there were others who only had knowledge of the original trilogy and not much of the prequels. Also some of the questions were simply awful.  For example this one had us in stitches.  "What is the name of the blue energy ball the Gungans used