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Showing posts with the label cardiff film & comic con

Report On Cardiff Film & Comic Con. Max Grodenchik Tells Me How The Grand Nagus Would Be Doing. #StarTrek

After a successful but tiring day one at Showmaster's Cardiff Film & Comic Con, we decided that day two would be a less frantic affair with just a leisurely stroll around the stalls and a chat to Max Grodenchik who played Rom in Star Trek's Deep Space Nine. And that was our first port of call.  We headed to the autograph area where Max was sitting.  What a great guy!  We spent ages talking to the actor about things related to Star Trek and general topics.  For some reason we discussed ship cruises and whether they were our thing.  Not sure how that came about but it was nice to have a general discussion about anything and everything to one of the stars. I couldn't help but ask him a really geeky Star Trek question and since I just happened to have re-watched the episode where Rom is made Grand Nagus the night before, I wanted to ask him how the Nagus would be doing and how Ferenginar would be getting on.  He loved the question and I felt his answer was a continua

Photos From Day One Of Cardiff Film & Comic Con 2015

Day one of Cardiff Film & Comic Con is over and what a first day!  Taking place at the Motorpoint Arena in the Welsh capital of Cardiff, the day was busy but also very much worth it.  Packed with stalls for you to find that one collectible you really need (or don't.)  The guest line up included Star Wars' Ray Park and David Prowse, Star Trek's Max Grodenchik and Ethan Philips and that female Terminator from the third one plus loads more guests. My highlight so far has to be the Star Trek talk between Ethan (Neelix) and Max (Rom.)  The talk was simply brilliant!  (Recording coming soon.)  Ethan was telling jokes while Max showed his adorable child.  It was the most personal and interactive talk I've been to so far. Here's some photos from day one.  Day two photos and report coming up. Max Grodenchik and Ethan Phillips were great fun during the Star Trek Talk. The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielbe

Cardiff Film & Comic Con Hits Wales This Weekend. Don't Miss It

Don't forget that this weekend is Film & Comic Con weekend in Cardiff, Wales .  The Bearded Trio will be attending Cardiff Film & Comic Con.  We've been attending for last few years now and the event is hugely enjoyable. The event is run by Showmasters and will be in the huge Motorpoint Arena.  Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Star Wars and so much more are all represented.  Max Grodenchik who played Rom in Star Trek Deep Space Nine is attending and is must photo/autograph. If you're attending, let us know so we can say hi. Click here to see the entire guest list.  It's huge! Rob @thebeardedtrio The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and John Williams THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ THE BEARDED TRIO ON PINTEREST CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON STEVEN SPIELBERG CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON GEORGE LUCAS CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON JOHN WILLIAMS

Cardiff Film & Comic Con - Photos From The Event.

Cardiff Film & Comic Con took place on 8th and 9th November at the popular Motorpoint Arena in the Welsh capital, Cardiff and The Bearded Trio were there to take some photos.  Guests included Red Dwarf's Craig Charles, Torchwood's Gareth David-Lloyd and a whole host of other guests from Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Star Wars, Harry Potter and much more. Check out the photos and let us know if you're in the pictures or if you were there. Torchwood's Gareth David-Lloyd signs a photo for The Bearded Trio's Rachel Wainfur. There was plenty to see and do at the packed arena. There were plenty of stalls to find that missing piece for your collection Craig Charles signs a photo.  He explained he got all his clothes wet the night before at a gig. He had only one dry t-shirt for the event. Gareth David-Lloyd poses for cameras before the entertaining free talk Doctor Who's Sylvester Mccoy was a popula