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Showing posts with the label awaken your inner jedi

REVIEW - Star Wars: Jedi Challenges. Multiplayer Option Is A Blast.

Can Star Wars: Jedi Challenges Make You Feel Like A Jedi? Star Wars: Jedi Challenges is a neat all in one AR (Augmented Reality) package for your phone that will put you in the Star Wars universe right from the comfort of your living room.  The New Multiplayer Option Allows Jedi battles between loved ones. What's in the box? Star Wars: Jedi Challenges has landed on my doorstep and I couldn't wait to get my hands on this exciting bit of tech.  I'm a sucker for things that come in good packaging and straight away Star Wars: Jedi Challenges gets top marks.  All the kit is neatly packaged in one box with a pleasing feel to the whole thing.  It projects quality.  A good start. That box was satisfying to open In the box you get a decent mock up of a nice shiny lightsaber.  It's a little on the light side (weight not Force.)  Out of the box it was three quarters charged which was convenient because you soon realise there are three things you need to charge. T