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Showing posts with the label Vincent D'Onofrio

Happy Birthday to Edgar (and Hoskins)

We've come to know him als Hoskins, the man who was hired to investigate and protect one (of many) InGen's hidden agenda's in Jurassic World . But he crossed the paths of Amblin some 18 years ago, when he co-starred in Barry Sonnenfeld's Men in Black as Edgar the farmer, who lost quite a bit of his personality when he, as one of the first earthlings, met the alien 'Bug' race that wants to take down the Men in Black Organisation and control the universe. Edgar (and friends) before the alien invasion Make Up Guru Rick Baker applying  the first layers of make-up on the face of Edgar  to highlight the change (no CGI needed for this) Siobhan Fallon as Beatrice notices  some weird changes on her husband Edgar  Strange headaches... Vincent (as Edgar) scaring up Linda Fiorentino... Well, Hoskins, Edgar, or as most earthlings have come to know him: Vincent D'Onofrio, turned 56 today (June 30th). 

VIDEO: Meet Jurassic World's Head of Security

Introducing Jurassic World's Security Initiative Masrani Global has released a video highlighting Vic Hoskins (aka Vincent D'Onofrio) head of InGen's private security division. Visitors to Jurassic World can rest assured that every precaution necessary is being employed to guarantee their safety, and that of their families. Source: THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ THE BEARDED TRIO ON PINTEREST CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON STEVEN SPIELBERG CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON GEORGE LUCAS CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON JOHN WILLIAMS Contact Lisa at  [email protected]