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Images from the 20th Anniversary Gala for the USC Shoah Foundation

This past Wednesday, the 20th Anniversary of the USC Shoah Foundation - founded by Steven Spielberg - was celebrated at a gala in Los Angeles .  Conan O'Brien hosted the event, and Liam Neeson was a special guest.  Bruce Springsteen served as the entertainment for the evening. President Barack Obama was on hand to receive the Ambassador for Humanity Award. Looks like some good-natured photobombing was going on as well.... Bruce Springsteen, his wife Patti Scialfa, and a certain very serious director... Kate Capshaw, Steven Spielberg, and a mysterious character... Source: Images belong to: Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ THE BEARDED TRIO ON PINTEREST Contact Lisa at  [email protected]

Bruce Springsteen Joins Steven Spielberg, Conan O'Brien, and Liam Neeson for USC Shoah Foundation 20th Anniversary Gala

Bruce Springsteen will be performing at a spacial benefit gala to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the University of Southern California Shoah Foundation , which was founded by Steven Spielberg in 1994.  Spielberg's work on Schindler's List inspired him to collect and preserve testimonies from the survivors of the Holocaust, as well as from the survivors of other genocides.  The testimonies serve to educate and to help overcome intolerance, prejudice, and bigotry. Springsteen will be joined by talk-show host Conan O’Brien and special guest Liam Neeson, who played Oskar Schindler in Schindler's List .   Said Spielberg:  "I am personally honored that Bruce, Conan, and Liam are joining me and lending their considerable talents to this year's special 20th anniversary gala.  Not only do they entertain and inform us through song, laughter and words, but by helping us commemorate this significant milestone, they also draw attention to the vital work