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Showing posts with the label Tomb raider

Movie Review: Alicia Vikander Shines in "Tomb Raider"

Reviewed by Paul & Patrick Gibbs   Out of Four Images Courtesy Paramount Pictures and  Mutual Film company 2001's  Lara Croft: Tomb Raider  was not a good film. We know this. But for a couple of obsessive, young and very single Indiana Jones freaks like us, a tough female version of the adventurous acheologist who came with a sultry British accent and her own set of runaway boulders was irresistable. Angelina Jolie became one of our most significant celebrity crushes of all time, and we saw the flm more times than we care to admit, but we make no apologies or excuses. We all have our guilty pleasures, and we don't judge you for yours, even if it is Gerard Butler (ok, maybe a little.).  The new reboot  follows Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft, daughter of an eccentric and extremely wealthy adventurer who vanished when she was just a pre-teen. Now a young woman of 21 without any real focus or purpose, Lara navigates the streets of East London, making a living a