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Doctor Who: Twelfth Doctor Comic Book Now Available!

Good news for Whovians! Titan Comics has just released the first of a comic book series featuring the Twelfth Doctor, as played by Peter Capaldi on Doctor Who . Here is a summary of the monthly series: Freshly regenerated and with a new head full of unanswered questions, the Doctor (as played by Peter Capaldi) whisks Clara away to a strange and distant world. Clara thought she was in for an evening of marking essays on Metaphysical Poets, followed by going out on a date - or at least trying to.  You know, normal stuff. Instead, she's facing down exotic flora and fauna in her best dress, backing up the Doctor on a trek through traumatically alien undergrowth - and she doesn't even know what the Doctor is searching for, or what will try to kill them should they find it! Alice Xiang provided the artwork for the cover, and this issue marks the beginning of a five-issue run by Robbie Morrison and best-selling artist Dave Taylor. You can get preview of this ser