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Showing posts with the label francis ford coppola

George Lucas got “lost” in Star Wars - Francis Ford Coppola

In a recent interview Francis Ford Coppola has spoken about his friend, George Lucas and how he hopes he returns to small experimental movies. Speaking at the Marrakech International Film Festival (Dec 4-12), the 76-year-old director of The Godfather trilogy revealed details of the new multi-generational Italian-American saga he is developing, titled Distant Vision. Coppola talked about big budget movies, the future of cinema and the continuation of experimentation in film: “Someone recently asked me, ‘Is there a future for cinema?’. Of course there is...The films your grandchildren will be watching and making, you can’t even imagine what they will be like. “We have had so many great films made so far, it’s hard to imagine that films won’t always be like that. But you can’t get there without experimentation. And experimentation means you might fail.” He then brings up George Lucas: “I think Star Wars, it’s a pity, because George Lucas was a very experimental crazy guy an

Apocalypse Now

Thirty Six years ago tomorrow, on May 10 1979, Apocalypse Now was finally screened to  the world for the first time, during the Cannes Film Festival. The film that took more than 16 months to shoot ( Jaws eat your heart out) and almost 3  years to edit. Furthermore it was this film that severely damaged the friendship between George Lucas  and Francis Ford Coppola (business partners in American Zoetrope at that time) to the  point where the two men refused to speak to each other for years.  Coppola, Michael Jackson and Lucas (It wasn't until 1986 that  the men worked together again on the 3D- Captain EO project.) Originally slated to be directed by George Lucas (when developed at American Zoetrope around 1971), George intended to make Apocalypse Now a documentary style feature, to  be filmed during the actual war in Vietnam. Francis Ford Coppola tried to get the film made 

Today's Photo - "Who's That With George Lucas?" Week - Scorsese, Spielberg and Copolla

Scorsese, Spielberg and Copolla pose with Lucas.  How much talent in one photo? THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+