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Showing posts with the label james mangold

"Logan" Director James Mangold To Write and Direct Boba Fett Spinoff

James Mangold To Write And Direct A Boba Fett Film On the eve of the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story  The Hollywood Reporter  has revealed that Oscar-nominated Logan screenwriter and director is prepping a Boba Fett film.  Mangold is also known for Copland, 3;10 to Yuma and The Wolverine. We don't normally report on rumours but this seems to be a given and as its coming from The Hollywood Reporter we felt it was safe to post.  An update to the post on THR also reveals that Simon Kinberg will co-write with James Mangold.  Kinberg has been credited as writer for a number of episodes of Star Wars Rebels. Read more at THR The Bearded Trio - The Site For Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, John Williams and a whole lot more.