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Why the Jaws sequels are worth your time.

Adam O'Brien's takes a look at the Jaws sequels in his first post for The Bearded Trio and explains why he thinks they are worthy sequels. W hat makes a good sequel? We've all seen one before, whether or not it's Empire Strikes Back, Terminator 2 you name it, they're both more of the same yet pushing the characters you know further into new hurdles, and new adventures that define and redefine who they are. Sequels are comfort food for movie goers who have enjoyed a film prior, realised the characters are special, and want to spend another few 90 plus minutes with the world of that film. I think it's great that since the advent of franchises like George Lucas' Star Wars they've become more common place, but now every film is being beaten into shape as a franchise starter to build the tent pole, however it wasn't always so. Jaws is one example, and the franchise I'm writing about today. I was a late starter to Jaws, seeing it in my teens