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Roger Moore Explains Why Steven Spielberg Wasn't Considered To Direct A Bond Movie

In a recent interview with MTV News, James Bond star, Roger Moore who was talking about his book, “One Lucky Bastard,” explains why Steven Spielberg wasn't considered for a James Bond directors role even though he had shown interest. In the early ’70s, Moore bumped into a young Steven Spielberg at the Plaza Anténé In Paris.  “We sat, and we talked. He said he would love to direct a Bond,” Moore said. “At this time, all I knew about him was that I had seen ‘Duel,’ which I thought was a superb bit of moviemaking, and he wasn’t that known at that time.”  Moore passed along the note to producer Cubby Broccoli, who in turn shot Spielberg down.  “Spielberg wanted a piece, and Cubby didn’t want to give anything away,” Moore said. “He didn’t want to give any more points of Bond away to directors coming in.” Read more at MTV NEWS THE BEARDED TRIO ON FACEBOOK THE BEARDED TRIO ON TWITTER THE BEARDED TRIO ON GOOGLE+ THE BEARDED TRIO ON PINTEREST CLICK HERE FOR FACTS ON STE